
Friday, 18 October 2019

Is Social Media Making Us More Anxious And Less Social?

The way we interact socially has been changing since chat rooms and email was born in the early stages of the internet. The rapid rise of social media platforms has provided a social highway becoming a dominant way of information exchange as well as social interaction. A new field in its birthing stages focuses on


Monday, 14 October 2019

How Brick and Mortars can Win

The face of retail is an everchanging look. Shopping “back in the day” is nearly unrecognizable to the digital, social, and forward-thinking ways in which goods are exchanged in today’s society. Where the retailer once stood as king of the castle, now the customer and more specifically the customer experience, now reign supreme. Mom-and-pop shops,


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

How to Create a Cohesive Instagram Aesthetic

Building a following on social media platforms such as Instagram requires more than the ability to include trendy hashtags and provide a product or service that currently has a demand. In order to truly stand out and set your business or brand apart with the use of Instagram, it is important to create a cohesive


Friday, 4 October 2019

Is Social Media Making You Less Social?

It is interesting and ironic that the word “social” appears in the phrase social media. In our grandparents’ era, being social meant that they went to events at church or at restaurants or even attended dinner parties in friends’ houses. With the advent of social media, we are more inclined to be social by hovering


Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Is Black Friday Losing It’s Luster?

For as long as most of us can remember, Black Friday has been the most anticipated shopping day of the year. Boasting incredible deals in many stores like Famous Footwear, people passionately anticipated Black Friday savings. However, many people believe that Black Friday has lost some of its lusters. Today, we are going to determine
